Monday, June 6, 2011

DIY Wire bracelet

This is a bracelet made from wires of different gauages.


DIY Earrings

These are the my first easy DIY jewellery making projects. These are very simple to make and very good looking earrings.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My New Curtains


My Zippy Money pouch


Drinking bottles from beer bottles

I cleaned some beer bottles to make my glass drinking bottles.. It was plain so i painted them with glass paint in the form of bubbles. You can use any glass bottle.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wall applique for kitchen

This gives me a smile when my kitchen is messy and some steammy delicious recipes are cooking...
Quite encouraging.. :)

DIY Spool holder

This project is made from totally reused things and its my own idea.

Things to have:
A cardboard box (Any sweet box)
Small sharp nails
Small bamboo sticks (I used kulfi sticks).

How to:
- Insert nail to the box form bottom.
- Insert bamboo sticks to the nail tops.
- Put your threads..

You could make it more fancier by wrapping box with some paper.

Isn't it is easily and useful?

Friday, January 21, 2011

DIY Picture frames

I reused pictures from previous year calender to make some wall hangings.. I gave them captions like Love, Peace and Joy..


Jute rope coasters

Coasters made from jute ropes.. eco-friendly and beautiful..

I love them ;)

Piggy bank

I used 4 small 500ml coca cola bottles and 1 2lt bottle to make this..
Isnt it cute and money saver? :P


Green Monster Container

I made this using two coca cola bottles and a zipper.. its pretty simple and quick.
You could use it to store any small items like sewing supplies, hardware bolts, medicines etc..
